Saturday, March 23, 2013

Examining Talents

God has given us all a talent, or perhaps two, but do we truly know and understand our talents?  Sometimes I think not.  We grow up with dreams of being something, like a family physician, but something life throws a couple curve balls and we are faced with a different path.  Then along comes marriage and kids and we are still trying to figure out who and what we are.  If we are lucky we are blessed to raise some incredible kids like my five, who love life, challenge me in more ways than I can count, and love God and His commandments -- or at least most of the time.

And yet, at 49 I am just now finding my talents.  Frustrated and often depressed with the hand I've been dealt, I struggle on but am learning that the one thing I can do is think quickly on my feet to make somebody else's day blessed.  Sounds pretty corny but when faced with a challenge with an imminent deadline, I can rise to the occassion with creativity, deliciousness (I know it isn't a word but it is in my vocabulary), and pride.  Rockin with Chocolate and Coffee in less than 20 mins is an example of my talent.

The Apostle Paul said it best in Romans:  "We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man’s gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully." Romans 12:6-8

Well I have never been a prophesier.  Gosh I can't even guess things correctly.  I love service and have always tried to live my life helping others.  I thought I wanted to teach, in the specific sense of the word -- in a classroom, but that door closed the moment we moved to Wisconsin, land of teacher unions.  However, I have the opportunity to teach everyday as I explain the benefits of different grains, suggest moderation to customers who whine about their weight, and hold my children accountable for their share of work both at home and here at the bakery.  I enjoyed the opportunities I've had in the past to provide leadership -- Habitat for Humanity, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Community Foundation -- but in our community you are forgotten once you leave a role.  So the opportunity to get involved again has never been presented and thus I choose to follow.  Perhaps a waste of good talent?  One will never know!  That leaves encouraging, contributing to the needs of others, and showing mercy.  Although I try to show mercy, it is difficult.  When one has been hurt over and again by the same family, it is difficult to move past and be merciful when overt actions show the stabbing continues  This is an area I must work on.

Encouraging others and giving are the two pieces Paul speaks of that bring me the greatest joy.  With social media consuming the lives of so many people, it is simple to reach out and leave a message of hope and love on someone's wall in the morning.  We never know who is hurting or the reason for their hurt and a little "hope you have a blessed day today" brings gladness to a breaking heart.  There are days, sometimes weeks where I believe my purpose is to merely bake delicious goodies for the food pantry.  It is so hard to bake quality products only to see them sit on the shelf or in the case of days on end with people turning their noses up, asking stupid questions, or stating "I just came to look because I just ate, or I am on a diet."  What idiot goes in to a bakery "just to look" when they "are on a diet?"  The one who doesn't care that a bakery is my bread and butter.  But in those moments, I can use my teaching skills and educate.  At the end of the week, our products feed so many families throughout the county who otherwise are unable to enjoy high quality breads, cakes, pies, cookies, breakfast pastries.  And that's ok.  God has given me the talents to bake, interact with people, and give generously.

Earlier I stated that my talent is the ability to think quickly with imminent deadline.  When we are serving others, giving generously, teaching, making a difference, those are the things that are on our mind when faced with a challenge.  Or at least they are on mine.  Faced with a challenge and being able to get it done, brings joy to the recipient, and I love to bring joy to others.

We are given the commandment in Colossians 3:23-24 "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving."  If we consider every friend, every stranger, every customer to be in the image of the Lord, then we are blessed beyond measure using our talents for them.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Short and Sweet

Drawing Set -- It's what sits on the desk to the left of the keyboard.

But what does a drawing set have to do with musings, with children, an unfinished baker, and leadership?  Nothing, but everything.

It's an 18 piece drawing set:  8 graphite pencils, 3 charcoal pencils, 1 sketch stick, 2 charcoal sticks, 1 pencil sharpener, 1 charcoal sharpener, 1 kneaded eraser, and 1 white plastic eraser, all neatly arranged and sealed inside a plastic case.  It's a collection of tools, or instruments, one uses to give life to a creative idea.  Given to me by my oldest daughter for Christmas, it sits waiting, waiting for me to once again enjoy the feel of a pencil sketching the beauty of the world around me.

This unfinished baker is nothing but clay in the hands of her Lord, resistant to His shaping at the pottery wheel, but knowing that without yielding the beautiful piece cannot reach potential, an outcast of the artist's creation.  Unfinished?  Yes, because we cannot be truly complete until the End.  Unfinished?  Yes, because like bread dough and like clay, we are affected by stressors and unless our faith is strong enough to yield completely, we become soft or unmalleable and we cannot be molded to the desired loaf or pot.  Unfinished?  Yes, because without shape and form, we cannot take our place as the light, the center, of His design for us.

Unfinished?  Yes, I am unfinished.  There are so many things I have wanted to do in my life, dreams that have gone undone but today I begin anew.  Today I choose to write.  Today I choose to draw.  Today I choose to use my God-given leadership skills and make a difference.  While I cannot change where I live and I cannot change what I do at this point in time, I can change my attitude toward my situation and pick up the pencils and fill your days with beauty and honor and hope.

My children are leading.

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds,  because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.  Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. (John 1:2-4)